
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
NARPM Radio: Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Explore the legislative proposals that would change how the Housing Choice Voucher Program (aka Section 8) operates. Join Tyler Craddock, the Governmental Affairs Director for NARPM, Patti Robertson, PMI Virginia, and Amanda Han, MPM® RMP®, Cornerstone Properties, to discuss Section 8, how it works, and the responsibilities in the program of the tenant, the landlord, the housing agency, and HUD. Dive deep into the good, the bad and the not so pretty impact the HCV program proposed changes could have through the lens of NARPM members’ collective experiences as housing providers.
(*Remember that state law varies from state to state, so always contact your attorney for specific legal advice in your area.)

Friday Aug 13, 2021
NARPM Radio: Gaining Possession by Abandonment
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
You go to a rental unit; the door's lock is broken, the power is off; there's no one there. The neighbor says no one has been around for a long time. Is this an abandoned property? Learn more about what truly - and legally - constitutes abandonment from Florida property management attorney Harry Heist in this episode of NARPM Radio. Abandonment is a legal term, and you need to know the legal definition of it in your area and how to prove it. What you think may not be the (legal) case!
*Always check with your attorney for your state or local laws that apply to issues such as this.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
NARPM Radio: Changing the AC Filter – Who’s Responsible?
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
NARPM Radio: Changing the AC Filter – Who’s Responsible?
The lease has a clause that the tenant has to change the AC filters on a regular basis. But do they? Every lease should have a clause stating that the tenant is responsible for this maintenance, but oftentimes we can’t rely on them to actually do it. When the tenant calls with a complaint about the air conditioning, is it their fault for not changing the filter? Florida property management attorney Harry Heist tells the story about his own personal experience with this task and relates how it’s not always as easy as you might think. What’s the solution? Take a listen on this week’s NARPM Radio episode on AC filter changing and liability. As always, be sure to check with your local/state attorney for laws applicable in your area.

Monday Jul 12, 2021
NARPM Radio: Proper Lease Signing Procedures
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
The tenant moves in, and three months later wants to break the lease because his wife didn't sign it. Do all adults living in the home sign the lease? What about an adult student? The simple task of lease signing is often done wrong, according to Florida property management attorney Harry Heist. Improper lease signing can cause a myriad of issues, and you need to know what specific measures to take to ensure you don't have problems later on. As always, make sure to check with your own legal counsel for the law in your state or locality.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
NARPM Radio: Tenant Delay Tactices
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
NARPM Radio: Tenant Delay Tactics
What are typical delay tactics a tenant uses when served with an eviction notice? It doesn’t matter what they say (roommate left, lost job, cat died, etc.), but they have a right to file a response with the courts once an eviction notice is served. From the tenant’s “answer” filed in the court to bankruptcy, attorney Harry Heist discusses some of the ways that a tenant can delay an eviction. How do you avoid losing this battle? Make sure you take the right steps, know the law, be prepared, and always be sure to work with your attorney for advice as laws vary from state to state.

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
NARPM Radio: How to Use Open Banking Technology to Screen Tenants
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
As a property manager or landlord, do you ever worry that you are not truly getting the full financial picture when screening tenant applications? Sometimes we get applications laden with smoke and mirrors that are easy to filter out. But other times, the app may look quite good, but in reality some of the aspects that would be helpful in making a decision aren't visible.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could verify a renter's income, payroll, past rent payments, NSF and overdrafts all in one, easy to pull, screening report? On this episode of NARPM Radio, Bob Preston of North County Property Group in California talks with Craig Schoen, CEO of Rentify about "open banking technology" and how property managers can use it to better screen prospective tenants. Rentify, a new NARPM Member Discount Program, is a company dedicated to helping property managers and landlords utilize a new approach to get that full picture of a tenant’s financial picture during the screening process.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
NARPM Radio: How to Get Great Online Reviews & More
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Podium is a customer messaging platform that can help property management companies achieve ongoing touchpoints, ultimately bolstering their customer relationship management and loyalty. Bob Preston with North County Property Group in Del Mar, CA, hosts this episode of NARPM Radio, talking with Zach Williams of Podium about how you can send pictures and videos, arrange for service appointments & scheduled item pickup, and collect payments—all online on your site - plus, stand out on the websites that matter by easily collecting hundreds of customer reviews.

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
When your potential clients ask "how will you market my rental?", you need a way to differentiate yourself from the others that may also be interviewing for this property. In this episode of NARPM Radio, NARPM member Bob Preston talks with Nicki Callahan with Nest Publications - a new NARPM Member Discount Program - about an innovative, digital marketing campaign, custom branded to you. Nest is more than just another magazine – it is a digital publication with the unique ability to build broad credibility for your brand to enhance efforts and drive revenues. Unlike a traditional paper magazine the reach of an on-line magazine is limitless, trackable (using analytics) and of course green. Branded to you with your photo, logo and colors, your publication features live links throughout to guide readers toward your current listings as well as your website and any social media sites that you participate in. Visit https://www.narpm.org/about/member-discounts/#nest-publications or email nicki@nestpublications.com to view a demo and learn more! *NARPM Members receive a $200 discount on their custom publication!

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
NARPM Radio: Illegal Unit?
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
You rented a mother-in-law apartment out, the lease is in place, and now code enforcement says it's illegal and must be vacated. Does this happen? It does, according to property management attorney Harry Heist. Sometimes a property manager is asked to rent out a unit that may or may not be legal. Sometimes the unit has been modified without permits, like a garage that's been modified into an apartment or bedroom. What problems do you have now? Quite a few. Make sure you're prepared; tune in to NARPM Radio today and take a listen to this week's podcast!

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
NARPM Radio: COI Manager Saves Time, and it's Free!
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Insurance is boring. At least that's what you used to think. But not anymore, with NARPM's newest member discount program Thimble! Now you can visit a webpage set up exclusively for NARPM members that not only allows your contractors to buy the right, A-rated insurance for exactly what's needed, but also gives you a FREE all-in-one insurance tracking platform! Now you can mange your Certificates of Insurance in one place, whether your contractor purchases insurance from Thimble or another provider. Listed in Money Magazine as 2020's "best insurance for the smallest businesses," Thimble makes your life a lot easier. Sign up in 2 minutes at www.Thimble.com/NARPM.